I had the awesome opportunity to attend Kappa Delta convention this year as a CAB. (For all you non-Greeks it stands for Chapter Advisory Board) It was held in Tucson, Arizona at an amazing resort. I never went as a collegian and have to admit that I was a little hesitant about going with 5 college aged girls from the chapter I advise. We; however, had a WONDERFUL time. It's so nice to see 750 other women who want to make Kappa Delta a better organization and empower each other. Our CAB won the 2011 Award of Excellence which was only given to 10 out of 140 active chapters. We had little free time (although we managed to find 2 days where we were able to float in the lazy river for 30 minutes) but I'm so glad I decided to attend. 
All the girls + me with the flag of Zeta Sigma
The Alpha Trunk
With our award!
We broke through these boards with our hands in one of the morning sessions. An amazing experience!
Last night of convention with the gorgeous Arizona background
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